
Cemex Trescon in de cloud met Cloudine | Microsoft Case Study

Voor de uitdagingen van Cemex Trescon B.V. zijn we bij Fourtop ICT met bijpassende ICT oplossingen gekomen! Met onze Cloudine is er grip binnen de organisatie en wordt er effectiever gewerkt. En de klantcase is extra bijzonder, omdat we deze samen met partner Microsoft hebben gemaakt! Samenwerken wordt leuker, makkelijker en veiliger!

Cemex Trescon | Microsoft Case Study | Fourtop ICT

Cemex Trescon—based in Bleiswijk, The Netherlands—has been an international supplier of hygiene products, personal protective equipment, and medical and facility disposables for more than 110 years. The company wasn’t sufficiently digitized, though, and it knew that internal communication among its departments could be improved. Fourtop implemented the Cloudine solution, powered by Microsoft Azure, to migrate Cemex Trescon’s operations from an on-premises environment to the cloud. Employee tasks are now completed more easily and with greater collaboration and security via Microsoft 365, and Cemex is positioned effectively for growth.

Customer Challenges

Cemex Trescon faced internal communication issues among its departments, and the company’s on-premises information and communications technology (ICT) environment was limiting further development. Cemex Trescon knew that a move to the cloud could address these and other challenges, allowing the company to work smarter and more efficiently as one team, but it needed help with managing the migration.

Marloes de Ruiter | Cemex Trescon: “Fourtop helped us to develop a new ICT basis on which we can grow in the upcoming years into a more and more digitalized organization." 

Partner Solution

Fourtop ICT migrated Cemex Trescon from its old on-premises environment to the Cloudine workspace, based on Microsoft 365 and Azure. By leveraging the Cloudine solution developed by Fourtop ICT, Cemex Trescon is now able to grow while continuously adopting the latest Microsoft 365 features in a secure and scalable ICT environment. Cloudine enables Cemex Trescon employees to work effectively from anywhere, with the company always in control, making work easier and more fun and secure. In addition, Cloudine also helps position Cemex Trescon’s ICT to meet the challenges of the future.

Customer Benefits

Cloudine brings Cemex Trescon’s ICT and its entire operations to a higher level. Internal communications are now easier, and employees can collaborate in the cloud without limitations. The security and information control provided by Cloudine allows Cemex Trescon to focus on growth. By harnessing Cloudine and the latest features of Microsoft 365 and the Microsoft Teams virtual workspace, Cemex Trescon can also optimize its business processes.

Marloes de Ruiter | Cemex Trescon: “Thanks to Cloudine and Microsoft 365, we work more efficiently together as a team. With Fourtop ICT we are ready for the future." 

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